091 749 273 | ecodrop.ie@gmail.com | Galway
Septic Tank Parts
At Ecodrop Waste Water Solutions, we supply, install and repair parts for all makes of septic tanks and waste water systems.
We have access to hundreds of different parts form all the worlds’ leading manufacturers guaranteeing you the very best price possible. Throughout our 15 years of experience we have notice that certain parts require replacements or repairs more often than others. These are septic tank pumps and septic tank bowers.
Septic Tank Pumps
The size and usage of your septic tank will determine the size of the septic tank pump. This means that a septic tank with higher volumes of waste going through it requires a bigger and stronger pump for effective disposal of waste.
Signs that your septic tank pump is failing include:

Septic Tank Blowers
Excessive dust and particles can clog the filter and can starve the pump of air supply causing excess heat and wear.
If the blower is mounted within an enclosure that is not properly ventilated, or allows direct exposure to the sunshine, this will generate excessive heat and will damage the pump
If air diffusers or air lines in the wastewater system are blocked, and the air pump is operating beyond the normal pressure range, this will cause the diaphragms to fail very quickly and in extreme cases it can build up excessive heat which will also damage the electromagnets.
If the enclosure of the air pump is situated on top of the wastewater system, all penetrations to the treatment chamber below must be completely sealed to prevent the gases from the being digested by the pump. This gas is extremely aggressive and will corrode the internals of the pump causing premature failure.
Brands: Charles Auston and Sceoch.

Septic Tank Parts – FAQs
How can I prevent damage to my septic tank?
Regular maintenance and servicing of your septic tank will keep it running efficiently. To prevent damage occurring don’t pour any grease or household chemicals down the drain. Don’t flush anything down the toilets other than toilet paper and don’t overload the septic tank or drain field.
How do I know what part of my tank is damaged?
It can be hard to tell what specific part of your septic tank system needs repairs. If you notice any warning signs then call Eco Drop Solutions as soon as possible and we will conduct an inspection to identify the cause of the issue and establish if a repair or a replacement is necessary.
How much does a replacement part cost?
The price of each part varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Eco Drop Solutions stock parts from all the major septic tank and waste water system brands ensuring that you always get the best value for your money.