091 749 273 | ecodrop.ie@gmail.com | Galway
Oil Interceptors
Ecodrop Waste Water Solutions has over 15 years of experience in the supply, install, maintenance, and repair of commercial and industrial oil interceptors.
Oil interceptors work to separate oil from water that flows out of car parks, petrol stations, road gullies, etc. The interceptor functions as a trap hey function as a trap for rainwater runoff from these different sources where oil is present on the surface and prevents the oil from polluting the local environment. An effective oil interceptor prevents contaminated water from entering natural bodies of water and soil where it can have severe environmental impacts.
It is essential that you regularly service and maintain your oil and petrol interceptor in order for it to work efficiently. Failure to do so will not only result in environmental hazards but may also result in costly fines and penalties.
Oil Interceptor Cleaning
At Ecodrop Waste Water Solutions, we provide expert and reliable oil interceptor cleaning services to commercial and industrial customers in Galway, Mayo, Westmeath and Clare.
Oil interceptors are designed to allow only water to drain from the outlets and pollutants such as fuel, oil, and solids stay within the confines of the interceptor. This oil, along with other dirt, debris, and miscellaneous contaminants build up inside the interceptor. If not cleaned regularly then this will lead to blockages and cause the oil interceptor to fail. The oil intercept may overflow and pollute the surrounding soil and waterways. Regular cleaning will also extend the lifespan of the system and prevent the need for costly repairs in the future.

Oil Interceptor Cleaning – FAQs
How often should my oil interceptor be cleaned?
We recommend having your oil interceptor cleaned and emptied every three to six months depending on the size of the system and how heavily it is relied upon. You should consider having it cleaned after a heavy rainfall as this can cause additional debris to enter the system.
How do oil interceptors work?
Water run off containing petrol, oil, and other pollutants enters the oil interceptor. The system separates the pollutants from the water and allows the water to pass into the drainage system. The fuel and other solid components are trapped behind in the system to be disposed of correctly once the system is emptied.
Why do I need an oil interceptor?
Oil interceptors are required under a number of legislations and regulations. Any business or activities that pose a risk to the environment may require an interceptor. Petrol stations and car parks, where petrol, diesel, and oil can easily contaminate wastewater must have an oil interceptor installed to comply with the law and prevent environmental damage.
How much does an oil interceptor cost?
The price of oil interceptors vary depending on the manufacturer, the individual business requirements, and how compels the system is. Eco Drop Solutions supplies and fits a wide range of oil interceptors guaranteeing you the best value for your money.